Author: Madison
College Cover Letter
Link-Cover Letter
Stage Of Grief Swallowing Stone
Stage Character Chp. Excerpt from the novel Denial David 1 David denies the fact that he shot the gun in the air and killed the man. Anger Jenna 8 “Jenna raced down the steps and headed for a town.” “She ran the whole way to the police station and came bursting through the door.”… Continue reading Stage Of Grief Swallowing Stone
Swallowing Stone Book Review
Swallowing Stones by Joyce Mcdonald is a suspenseful book about an accident that happened in Briarwood. When Michael shot off his winchester rifle on July 4th, showing it off to his best friend. He didn’t think that it would have killed anyone he thought it would just go straight back down. Little did he know he… Continue reading Swallowing Stone Book Review
Linear Art Design this link to create my linear art design!
The Difference between W.E.D
Our 10th birthday
I will never forget my 10th birthday. As we got out o9f the car we walked excitedly into sky jump. My feet bolted to the jump houses. When i got in there there was a party going on and I said ”there’s a party” my mom said ”its almost done”i said ”okay”Once people started showing… Continue reading Our 10th birthday
President Poem
Andrew was born in March and had 3 kids Andrew Jackson and Rachel adopted two kids Was a lawyer in Tennessee Born in backwoods Andrew Jackson He was elected He was the 7th president He spent 8 years in the office He died on Jun8,1845 at age 78
From the year 2013 to the year 2014
I remember a lot of memory of 2013. My first memory was when I got my first puppy. When my mom told us to go outside we were confused for second. Then we saw a little white puppy come to us we were exited. We named him Gizzy and I still have him today. My… Continue reading From the year 2013 to the year 2014
Pearl Harbor got attacked Everybody called it World War II Arrived at 8:00 a.m. attacked by Japan Remember forever Lauren Tarshis survived the bombing Hero was Doris Dorie A memorial was built Rattle our force Battleship was called Arizona On December,7,1941 Remembrance Day